Happy New Year…did you miss us?
We haven’t forgotten about you!
What a start to 2020…The timing for the newsletter has been a little off….we have made attempts but, was never really able to send until today. Our sincere apologies.
So, how’s your New Years Resolutions going?
Intentions are always good, “I plan on losing 20 lbs, or I’m gonna exercise more or even I’m going to be more organized”, one may hope. Then…we know what happens, resolutions may be carried out for the first few weeks until life happens.
No need to give up…maybe we need to change it up a bit, let’s try this...
Make this year different…let’s go back to treating others the way we would want to be treated (be kind, polite and respectful).
New Bill (HB 5158) is being introduced, that will impact you or your loved one’s Life Insurance and Medicaid Compliance.
Chuck & Danielle Hitzeman went down to meet with legislators in Springfield to discuss the New Medicaid rule. They wanted to represent the community and voice the best way to assist those families facing public assistance.
In short today, if someone is applying for Medicaid and a life insurance policy has a cash value you need to cash it in or it will go to the State. Any person(s) that you have deemed the beneficiary will be striped of the gifting of that policy. All policies will have to be cashed out in order to qualify for Medicaid.
If you haven’t pre-planned or pre-funded your funeral, your family will be left to pay for those services.
The IFDA (Illinois Funeral Directors Association, is trying to introduce a bill for folks applying for Medicaid, to utilize those (Insurance Cash Value) funds to pre-plan their final wishes or expenses.
The IFDA is trying to improve this situation. Meaning that a Medicaid applicant with a life insurance policy may still be able to irrevocably assign funeral goods and services or pre-fund their funeral or burial costs. It also requires Insurance companies to acknowledge the irrevocable assignment within 30 days of receipt.
If this sounds a little complicated or if you have any questions, you can call on us for further explanation.
Next Sunday 3/8/2020…change your clocks and Spring Ahead.
The Illinois Senate passed a Bill For Year-Round Daylight Saving Time…so no more readjusting your wall clocks, alarm clocks, car clocks or wrist watches…we are one Daylight Savings time from now on. Please remember to change the batteries on your smoke detectors or carbon monoxide detectors…be safe out there.
Are you wondering?
We have had a few calls regarding our annual Theatre Night. We have tried to make something work in the Spring but the content of the show or the nights available did not work out as well as we hoped.
The show must go on! We are looking at hosting something in the Fall. We will let you know our thoughts in the next few months. Stay tuned!
Have you heard…
We are still having our monthly grief support gatherings and are currently rotating facilitators to provide a fresh perspective for our guests.
Grief Support Gatherings
The Second Tuesday of Each Month. If you, a family member or a friend is looking for a little hope. Please join us, March 10, 2020, Please call us to reserve your spot.
Refreshments will be served. For more information: www.hitzemanfuneral.com/griefsupport/
Upcoming events
Understanding Funeral Arrangements and the Benefit of Pre-Planning Seminars Everything you wanted to know about Funeral Arrangements and Planning…join us at Lyons Township High School South on April 8, 2020. 7:00-8:30 P.M. FREE, Registration is required for these seminars and that can be done directly through the Lyons Township Adult Education Office at 708-579-6573. If learning more about pre-arrangements was your new Years Resolutions…this is a great start and it’s FREE!
Village of North Riverside Senior Fair
Please join us on Thursday May, 21, 2020 from 10 A.M. to Noon at the North Riverside Recreation. You will receive valuable information from various organizations that will help you today or in the future. The Secretary of State’s Mobile Services Unit is also on hand for ID cards, vision screening, duplicate Photo ID’s, and driver’s license renewals.
This event is free for all seniors and caregivers.
Mark your New Calendars:
- Easter Egg Hunt, April 11, 2020- 10:30 A.M. to 11:30 A.M.
- Street Dance-May 30, 2020 -5 P.M. to 11 P.M.
- Fourth of July Parade-July 4, 2020 – Kick off 9:30 A.M.
- Farmer’s Market will be opening on June 6, 2020
- Auto Show- July 19, 2020 – 9 A.M. to 4 P.M.
- National Night Out-August 4, 2020 – 5 P.M. - 7 P.M.
- Music Under the Stars- The Flat Cats-August 5, 2020 7 P.M.
- Art Fest-September 19, 2020 – 9 A.M. to 4 P.M.
- Monsters on Mainstreet-October 24, 2020 – 12 P.M. – 3 P.M.
- Holiday Celebration-December 5, 2020 – 2 P.M. to 6 P.M.
More events will be posted such as the Summer Concert Series and other fun events that we sponsor when the dates are secured.
Valentine's Senior Social
A great time was had by all at the Valentine’s Day Social for Seniors. It was hosted by the Brookfield Chamber of Commerce and the Brookfield Aging Well team for seniors living in our surrounding communities. More than 100 Seniors were in attendance for an afternoon of fun with custom refreshments, beverages and
entertainment. This event was sponsored by the Chamber, Hitzeman Funeral Home and other local businesses.
Happy St. Patty's Day!
A St. Patrick's Day tradition was started by Irish immigrants, who believed that wearing green made them invisible to leprechauns— the classic fairy creatures who pinch anyone they could see. So get your green on!
We would like to welcome Stan Sytko of Brookfield to our team. We served his family not too long ago and he came in to see if we had any openings. He is a student at Lions Township High School. He has 3 brothers, plays the piano and has a talent for computer programming. During the Summer you can find him as a caddy on the golf course or assisting us with many tasks around the Funeral Home by keeping the grounds and vehicles
maintained and beautiful.
For more information or just to keep up to date, please visit our Facebook page...and while you are there...like us!
Thank you for your continued trust.