We are deciding on our 2019 Theatre event and would like your input.
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
This is a who-done-it with a little spookiness in it, with an Inspector Ruffing interrogating and getting all mixed up with the 5 women of the Ravenscroft mansion.
(It is March, we may have snow or rain coming our way…only Mother nature knows for sure)
The Graduate
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
This is the famous movie about Benjamin and Mrs. Robinson. It is a wonderful script. It is also pretty provocative. There will not be nudity shown, but it is very provocative, so you should know that.
(It is June, Summer vacations are starting and this show is more mature/provocative)
So we are taking a vote as too what you would like to see. Everyone wins! Please let us know your thoughts by 12/20/2018. You may call us at 708-485-2000 or send us a quick email reply. The play with the most votes wins…we will let you know the outcome in the next newsletter.
For those of you who do not know, we invite the families we serve on a night out at the Theatre of Western Springs.
Remember, save the dates, invitations and special offers are only through email. So if you have a family member or a friend interested, then have them sign up at https://www.hitzemanfuneral.com/newsletter/.