What do you think?
Electronic Register Book Questionnaire...
Bringing better value to the families we serve and our Community.
Traditionally we have offered customized Register Books for
guests to sign in when they attend visitations and services. Oftentimes there are lines, and one may opt out of signing a register book because they think that you will remember that they were there. Being realistic, during visitations and funerals, we all grapple with our own emotions, family dynamics and saying goodbye to the ones we hold dear. Families may not remember your presence, because that day may be a blur. You might have lost touch, or the family might have lost
touch with you. Often times allowing for a reconnection and updating of your personal contact information.
We are continuing to look at ways to better guests' experience by offering them an easier way to let you know they were here to support you and your family.
We would appreciate your input. Please share your thoughts on this very brief survey. It is anonymous and you can share, vote or comment.